Song #5 - 100 Years (The Carver)

Posted: Thursday, September 1, 2011 by AdamLockwood in Labels:

Hello there, my happy blog-following-music-loving friends!  It is time for song #5--100 Years.  The subject matter is a little bit heavy, so I thought I would start things off with this amusing picture of a headstone.  You know, I dig Scrabble, so I can appreciate Mr. Lind’s choice of afterlife decorations here.  I think I’m still holding out for having my remains rocketed into space though.  If I wasn’t a musician, I would probably want to be an astronaut, so this could be the best of both worlds.  Anyway, enough with the funny business--on to the song!

100 Years (The Carver) by AdamLockwood
(If you don’t see the player, click here to listen)
Okay, so if you haven’t guessed already, this song is about death.  Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer, but here is the story behind it.  
One of the many things I do to help me afford this rock-n-roll lifestyle is by teaching guitar.  I recently started teaching a new student--hey Dave!--who was comparatively older than most of my other students, and thus, gainfully employed.  His occupation is that of a headstone carver, and his family has been doing so for over one-hundred years.  I found this to be intriguing.  Doing this type of work day in and day out would have to weigh on one's soul.  I’m very thankful for the people who do such things.  
With this in mind, 100 Years took shape around the story and character of the Carver, an assistant to Death and a guide to the afterlife.  I don’t want to taint your interpretation of the story, so I will leave it at that and leave you with the lyrics.  
(By the way... I’m not trying to make any theological inferences.  It’s just a story)

100 Years (The Carver)
Words and Music by Adam Lockwood
100 Years and 100 more
I’ve been lying at Death’s door
All their names I write in stone
And in their graves I lay their bones
Believe in me
Please believe in me
There’s no escape
On this your dying day
Now God’s child lend me your hand
And I’ll guide you to the promised land
Now I lay thee down to sleep
To gaze upon the glassy sea
Believe in me
Please believe in me
There’s no escape
On this your dying day
Let not fear guide your heart
‘twas insincere from the start
Believe in me
Please believe in me
There’s no escape
On this your dying day