I know what you are thinking--what happened to song #2, right? Well fear not my friends, it is on the way. I had a couple technical problems in recording process, but everything is going swimmingly now. With that said, let's have a listen... This one is downloadable too, so feel free to do so!
Radiance by AdamLockwood
One of the things I do to make ends meet as a musician is leading the music team at our local church. It has been a great blessing for me and my family. While it brings me a great deal of joy and satisfaction, this type of music isn't necessarily my main outlet for writing. In fact, I'm not that into Christian music in general, but that is a subject for another blog. I'll stay off of the soapbox for now. But all in all, my belief is a big part of who I am, so it is no surprise that it sometimes comes out in my music. So, just as a warning, this could get a bit churchy. If that's not your bag, you can skip to the last paragraph.
This past month I had the opportunity to go to the annual Continuous Worship Conference in Nebraska. I had never been to that type of thing before and it proved to be a wonderful experience. It was a great time to learn from and play with some really talented musicians. I also learned a lot of practical ideas to aid in leading congregational music, and heard some teachings that were really good for my soul. If that is your thing, I would highly recommend it.
During the first night of the conference, Paul Braddy, a musician that I greatly respect and admire shared from Psalm 34. In all respects, it was a great message, but one word really leapt off that page at me: radiant. I loved the idea of seeing the joy of God on people's faces. I'm often just as inspired seeing God work in others as I am seeing His work from my own perspective.
I sought the LORD, and he answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are radiant,
and their faces shall never be ashamed.
-Psalm 34:4-5 ESV [emphasis mine]
So there you have it--that was my inspiration for the song. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. The recording is a little rough (sorry for those out-of-tune guitars at the beginning, yikes!), but I think it captured the idea and the emotion pretty well. So far I've learned a few things: First, I really like to over-produce these songs. I'm committing to recording the next five songs with only guitar and voice; aside from Song #2, which is already in the works. Second, I really like playing my electric guitar. And third, I really want a guitar amp :)
Thanks for listening! I hope you enjoyed it.
Let's sing it at Christchurch!
Great job.